A fixture adapter mounts in the microsyringe fixture (included with all new systems). One end of the adapter connects to the interconnect tubing. The other end of the fixture holds the dispensing tip or needle. Choose 30uL (p/n 100-22-20-30) for use with our standard 30uL disposable tips. Choose 250uL (p/n 100-22-20-250) for use with our standard 250uL disposable tips. Both 30uL and 250uL adapters come with (5) tips of chosen size. Choose NEEDLE (p/n 100-22-37) for use with any ramé-hart dispensing needle.
Choose EXTENDED in the list to order the extended length adapter available (p/n 100-30-09). This part accepts the 250uL tips and is similar to the 250ul adapter except the overall length is 117mm (4.6 inches) making it ideal for use with the Peltier Environmental Chamber (100-30) or Environmental Chamber (100-07).