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  • 100-22-SPARES-250 is shown here.
  • 100-22-SPARES-250 is shown here.

Set of Spare Parts for Dispenser


Product Description

This kit includes the blunt tubing and interconnect tubing used by the Automated Dispensing System p/n 100-22. This kit also includes one box of (96) 30µL disposable tips and one box of (96) 250µL disposable tips and one replacement syringe in either 50µL or 250µL (standard) volume. Order p/n 100-22-SPARES-50 for the 50µL syringe. Order p/n 100-22-SPARES-250 for the 250µL syringe. Also, select size Standard if you are using an Automated Dispensing System with an instrument that does not have a tilting base. Select XL for the longer tubing which is recommended if your instrument has a Manual Tilting Base (100-25-M) or Automated Tilting Base (100-25-A). 

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